A day in the life of my pet scoby: It floats. It burps bubbles. It makes faces at me from behind the glass of the half-gallon jar I keep it in. It’s fascinating. And I could sit there all day, gazing into its moldy-looking depths.
Meanwhile, 2 pounds of fava beans need to be shelled, 4 ears of corn await shucking, 10 perfectly-formed squash blossoms lie in limbo, and 5 pounds of peaches sitting on the counter are being eyed by a small army of fruit flies.
In other words, I wanted to tell you about my first batch of homemade kombucha today, but the scoby got attacked by fruit flies and, ugh, I won’t go into the details. Let’s just say, baby fruit flies, aka MAGGOTS!!!!!!!!!
Enough. You’ll find me crying in the corner.
(Not really. But still…)

(And this hummus is really good.)
(Sorry for the short post. I’ve got deadlines, yo!)

Adapted from Vegetable Literacy
- Makes 1 cup
- About 2 cups shelled fava beans
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- 3 to 4 garlic cloves, chopped
- 1 tsp ground cumin
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 tsp lemon juice
Bring a pot of water to boil and immerse the beans for a minute. Drain the pot and refresh the beans in cold water. Remove their skins (they should come off easily).
In a food processor (or with an immersion blender), combine the fava beans, olive oil, garlic, cumin, and salt. Puree until smooth. Add the lemon juice and puree until combined.
Scrape out the hummus and serve it in a bowl, drizzled with a little extra olive oil and some cumin seeds if you’d like.