

Devil’s Food Cake With Swiss Meringue Buttercream

I’m not sure how it happened, but suddenly everything in my life revolves around wedding. I find all the different parts hard to keep...

Japanese Strawberry Shortcake

The four weeks of intense preparation leading up to the wedding involved: more hours than I’ve ever before spent on Pinterest combing through ideas,...

Citrus Salad With Rosemary And Olives

My favorite food group is fruit, and citruses are probably my favorite fruit group. While the fruit world never fails to delight, I think...

Baked Sweet Potato Fries

I started wearing close-toed shoes a couple weeks ago. If that’s not a sign that fall has arrived, I don’t know what is. Unfortunately, I’ve...

Quince Ginger Sorbet

“If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week,...

Curried Cauliflower Agnolotti With Cilantro Brown Butter Sauce

I’m not gonna lie, this recipe is quite a bit of work. If you’ve ever made ravioli before, then you know the amount of...

Pumpkin Brioche (with A Cinnamon Swirl)

I got my teeth whitened earlier this week. It was free, so I should’ve known better. Besides the fact that I first had to endure...

Brussels Sprouts, Momofuku-style

I’ve been testing out a couple Thanksgiving recipes (my contributions to Thursday’s dinner) and was floored by this brussels sprouts recipe. If you’re still...

Olive Oil Cake, or a Make-Believe Rainy Day

A thunderstorm last night sent the Family-Across-the-Street-that-Conducts-All-Its-Business-on-Its-Front-Stoop scuttling indoors. And I woke up this morning with a need—no, scratch that—a COMPULSION to bake. Cause...

Brussels Sprouts With Bacon And Juniper Berries

We recently sorted out that we’re hosting Thanksgiving this year. Nothing big, just some friends over for a small gathering, but still, Thanksgiving! The...

A Must Try Recipe