I am still on a pumpkin kick this week. I have been making a lot of fruit and yogurt smoothies lately, so I thought I’d make a pumpkin smoothie. I try to eat more yogurt, but I go through phases. Sometimes I will eat it for two weeks straight and then get sick of it and don’t eat it for a month.

When I am in my “I am so sick of yogurt” phase, I usually throw it in a blender with fruit and make a smoothie. It’s easier to slurp down with a straw and I am eating something healthy. It’s a win, win situation.
I just dump all the ingredients in the blender and turn it on. Simple, easy, and healthy. Ok so maybe the caramel is not so healthy, but I just had to do it. Besides, I only used a teaspoon.

This smoothie was a big hit. I gave it to my six year old daughter, thinking she would take a few sips and then not like the pumpkin taste. Instead she downed the entire glass all by herself while eating a pumpkin apple scone (recipe coming later in the week). So see, kids will love it too. I think the pumpkin and apple were a perfect match and the caramel added just the right amount of sweetness, without making it too rich.
Pumpkin, Apple, and Banana Yogurt Smoothie
by The Sweet Chick
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Keywords: breakfast beverage snack pumpkin apple banana yogurt
Ingredients (serves 2)
- 1 banana, chopped
- 1 6oz. container Chobani Apple Cinnamon Greek Yogurt
- 1/4 cup pumpkin puree
- 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
- 1 teaspoon caramel (or caramel topping, or pure maple syrup)
- 1 cup milk
Place chopped banana in blender.
Then add yogurt, pumpkin puree, spice and caramel.
Pour in milk and blend for 1-2 minutes, or until smooth and well mixed.
Pour into two glasses, add straws, and share with a friend. Enjoy!