Oh yeah, it was back to the Paris for breakfast at Mon Ami Gabi. I already knew what I was going to be ordering. I spotted it on the menu the previous day. The walk over wasn’t so bad that day. The sky was mostly cloudy, so the sun wasn’t beating down on us like the day before. It almost looked like it was going to rain.

When we arrived, I ordered up some waffles with fresh strawberries and fresh whipped cream. It was crispy on the outside and soft and fluffy on the inside. The strawberries and cream were just right.

And what Parisian breakfast would be complete without a pain au chocolat. Mmmmm!!!! Just like the ones I remember in Paris. A nice flaky pastry filled with yummy chocolate.

After breakfast we took a walk over to the Bellagio again to play some slots and hang out for a while. When it started getting close to lunch time we headed back towards the hotel and stopped at the Crystals Mall to eat at Wolfgang Puck’s Pizzeria & Cucina.

My husband ordered a Margherita pizza and I ordered an Apsaragus Salad with parmesan panna cotta and prosciutto.

The pizza was not anything to write home about. It tasted much like any other pizza back home. My salad however, was divine. Ooh the blend of tastes was uber good. And it looked so pretty.

We didn’t stick around for dessert because I wanted to head over to Jean-Philippe’s and try one of the pastries this time. More about that later…